Sunday, December 12, 2010

Granville Island Sketches and More!

Hello again Interneters! I have some art to share today! Some cafe drawings from within the past week or two!

These are some animator classmates of mine that I drew during class!

These people were waiting for the Skytrain.

This lady was on the train! She doesn't look very happy for some reason!

These were the first of a day where I went to a cafe on Granville Island and drew people! It was pretty fun!

I started drawing in pen for these ones.

This man had an awesome coat.

This man had a tophat and walked with such a stride! He was definately a must-draw!

Pretty ladies shopping around Granville Market!

More ladies!

And I shall leave you with a concept drawing for Dee, a character of mine:

Thank you for looking!
Later Interneters!

Friday, December 3, 2010


Hello Internet!

I hear that having a sketchblog is the thing to do for artists these days so I am going to attempt to keep one!

I'll post a recent painting thing to start us off.

This is a picture of a character of mine! Her name is Elle, maybe one day I'll be able to share more about her in story form! But for now: A picture!